Inviting An Athlete

If you would like to add an athlete to coach, click “Add Athlete” under “My Athletes”.  If you have a lot of athletes to invite, you can also just email them a link to your athlete sign up page.  Instructions can be found further down this page.


When you send a request to your athletes, they’ll receive a message as shown below:


If you have a lot of athletes, you can create a custom email and use your coach ID URL to have them all join at once as shown below.  (The text of the email is included below the screen capture with working URLs if you would like to use it)



I’m now going to be communicating your training using VDOT O2.  To register, please click this link:
[Coach URL can be found if you send yourself an email and copy the URL included]
Once you’ve signed up, you can access your training using the web environment, iOS or Android app by downloading the VDOT O2 calendar application from the respective app stores.  This application will help us save time and set expectations together.
Please sign up and fill out the relevant information.  I’ll be notified when complete.
Thanks and I’m looking forward to working together to improve your ability as a great runner!

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